Back to School Blues

Surprisingly, I'm having the blues because I'm NOT going back to school. It's taken me a couple of days to realize it, but I miss the excitement of starting a new school year. Setting up the classroom, meeting my new students, and a fresh chance to start again. The whole atmosphere around the school is full of anticipation. Sure, we're nervous, but we just know that this year has the potential to be better than the last. Who will be the student whose appetite for learning will challenge me to be a better teacher? Who will be the "tough" kid that just maybe, I can get through to? Which student's smile will encourage me to make it through the day?

In my restlessness over the last few days, I've found myself browsing on the internet at different education sites: should I get my master's degree? Maybe I could get into writing online (editing, reviewing)? Or what about library science? Now that could be a fun job (for those of you who don't know me that well, I'm absolutely serious here).

Ahh, but in the end I keep coming back to the same conclusion: the career of stay-at-home mom is a privilege, and it's where I really want to be. I will hopefully get to go back to school someday, but there will not be the chance to relive this vocation. So for those of you starting school, I hope this year exceeds all of your expectations. And please excuse me now as I go to get my 17-month old, who just woke up from his nap.


The Isaacs said…
Oh, Kristen! You miss the excitement of the start of something new, but just think- if you were in the classroom, within a few days/weeks, reality will sink in, and you'll realize that there's still 170 days until summer vacation. Just kidding! You're more than welcome to come to my classroom if you ever feel the need to do something "teacher-y."
And oh- if you ever end up going for something in Library Science, we might go up against each other for jobs because I've also thought about it. Seriously!) :)
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Hi KCo! I'm in the exact same boat. Everyone's starting school and I find myself looking at all the deals at Office Depot, Target, etc. saying, "oh that's a really good price on pencil boxes", and so on and so forth...
I am missing it, but then I think of all those wasteless buybacks and meetings. I always felt so bogged down when I was in it. So, at moments it's nostalgic but in the overall decision, I'm glad I left! Chin up, as Charlotte would say, your time is coming!

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