Our Christmas Tree
Decorating our Christmas tree is one of my favorite childhood memories, and each year my husband and I debate when to do it, and whether to put up our artificial tree or buy a "live" one. For the first time in many years, I convinced my husband to buy a real tree. I was so looking forward to the lovely pine scent filling our home, but was disappointed in the experience, really. The fresh Christmas tree smell had long worn off of our tree, and it was a lot harder to get up & balanced than our artificial one. Next year, we'll go back to the fake one. By the time we'd picked it out, got it home, into the family room and balanced (somewhat) into the base, it was past our little ones' bedtime. We put the youngest down for bed (next year, my dear) and let our son stay up and help us put all the decorations on. The decorations we put on the tree are the same ones that I put on my tree growing up. Even the little clothespin soldier that I made in preschool is still there. Plus a chain of ribbons that my mom stapled together when I was in utero is in our collection, so each ornament is kind of like going down memory lane for me. Now we are starting to have fun ones that our kids have made, too! Here are some picture of us doing our thing...