My Garden Helper
This week has brought much needed sunshine to my soul. I've been stuck under a bit of a cloud for the past several weeks. I mean this literally and also figuratively. We have had an incredibly rainy January & February (so far) and lots of cloudy, gray days. I think I must have Seasonal Affect Disorder to some extent, because when I don't see the sun much, everything in my world seems to be a little less satisfying. Part of this may also have to do with the fact that this wet and cold weather has brought a lot of unwanted germs, colds and allergies into our household. Between all 3 of us, I think we've had 5-6 colds, one sinus infection and a brand new inhaler for my son. All of our moods have been affected, and I think I've been one crabby mom.
But back to the garden. This week, praise God, we've had sunshine and nice temperatures, so that we can spend time outside. I actually think I can feel the germs drying up in the sunlight. Our yard, which has been horribly neglected, was calling my name today. (Somehow all the weeds LOVE the rain and cold weather).
As I sat next to my son in the yard this afternoon, pulling weeds, I was just amazed at how blessed we are. I have a healthy, happy child, and a warm, comfortable home. I felt such awe, as I just sat, discussing roots and how plants grow with my almost-3 year old. Awe that he is so happy and content to hang out with me (pulling weeds!) and amazed that he understands so much, and is able to carry on such meaningful conversation with me. He's actually become very effective at pulling weeds, getting the roots and everything! I'm thankful all over again that God has allowed me to be a mom, and even one that gets to stay at home each day and soak in the beauty of His creation. I definitely don't do this enough.
I was so moved, I had to snap a couple of photos of my industrious little helper.