Since I've been slacking a little on my blog posts, I thought I'd just post various photos of what our family has been up to this spring. Besides my sister's wedding, obviously Easter was another celebration this spring. We attended an Easter Eggstravaganza in the park held by our church. It was fun because this was the 3rd year in a row that we've attended and I can see such a difference in what our son enjoys & how he enjoys it each year. This is (sadly) the first year that he fully understands the concept that there is chocolate within each of those foil-wrapped eggs, that he gets to eat after he finds them!

We also had a fun time dyeing eggs at home, then having an egg hunt at Grammy's on Easter Day.

Besides that, we've been spending a lot of time in our backyard, trying to make it a place that we will all like to hang out during the hot summer months, when I will be too big and fat to want to go anywhere else! We recently acquired a hand-me-down plastic play structure that is now in our backyard. We hope our son will enjoy many hours acting out scenarios on it as a pirate ship, spaceship, clubhouse, etc.
We also acquired a beautiful fountain that we've decided to put in our backyard, under the windows of our dining area, so we can hear it when the windows are open. It has a bit of an Asian feel to it, so we also decided to create a bit of a "zen" type garden to go around it (work still in progress...)
And then there's the vegetable garden. I broke down and spent $20 at Home Depot purchasing plants, because my seeds seem to be taking SO long, and none of the tomato seeds are doing well. I'm really bummed about that, because I was most looking forward to the heirloom black cherry tomatoes that I can't find in stores! Oh well, store-bought plants will have to do. In the midst of rain downpours earlier this week, we were still able to get all our soil mixed and into the boxes. We got the plants planted and I transferred the first cucumber & squash seeds that I started indoors.

Our son has been quite the "helper" (as you can see) and he proudly planted all the bean seeds himself. Yeay Spring!
Besides that, we've been spending a lot of time in our backyard, trying to make it a place that we will all like to hang out during the hot summer months, when I will be too big and fat to want to go anywhere else! We recently acquired a hand-me-down plastic play structure that is now in our backyard. We hope our son will enjoy many hours acting out scenarios on it as a pirate ship, spaceship, clubhouse, etc.
We also acquired a beautiful fountain that we've decided to put in our backyard, under the windows of our dining area, so we can hear it when the windows are open. It has a bit of an Asian feel to it, so we also decided to create a bit of a "zen" type garden to go around it (work still in progress...)
And then there's the vegetable garden. I broke down and spent $20 at Home Depot purchasing plants, because my seeds seem to be taking SO long, and none of the tomato seeds are doing well. I'm really bummed about that, because I was most looking forward to the heirloom black cherry tomatoes that I can't find in stores! Oh well, store-bought plants will have to do. In the midst of rain downpours earlier this week, we were still able to get all our soil mixed and into the boxes. We got the plants planted and I transferred the first cucumber & squash seeds that I started indoors.