Happy Birthday America!
For 4th of July this year we broke away from a tradition of hosting a swim party/BBQ at my parents' home, which is close to a stadium that has a fireworks presentation that we watch afterwards. This year our neighborhood organized a block party, and we really wanted to support that effort. We've had some opportunities to get to know our neighbors, but are excited about developing a stronger sense of community here.
There was a great turnout for the block party. I have to admit, it was really nice to just walk out my door and have a party be on my street, without any effort on my part! A few neighbors had bounce house/waterslides in front of their homes and everyone brought out food to share. Our next-door neighbor organized a band that played rock & roll for us, and another neighbor made little patriotic streamers for the younger kids to wave in a short parade down the street. We had a lot of fun!
Papa grilled up some yummy drumsticks!
The cookies were also a big hit
Trying the "big kid" slide (right before landing on his bum!)
This one was definitely more his speed
Marching in the parade
Our son's first sparkler experience
There were tons of fireworks that everyone brought out to do in the street...great for the lungs! Our son (like all boys, of any age...) was very interested in them, wasn't afraid, and did a great job following firework safety rules! He stayed up until almost 10pm, and even then had to be persuaded to come inside. He's already asking when it will be 4th of July again.