Our Library
One of the things that I've enjoyed since I've become a stay-at-home mom is taking my son to the library each week. Some of you may not know, but I spent a LOT of time at the library when I was a kid. (come to think of it, for most of my life). I even worked at a local library branch through the summer as a volunteer when I was a early teen. (yes, you can call me a nerd!) I love books and can spend hours just poring over titles, authors, illustrations, etc.
Our neighborhood library is a good one. They run an infant/toddler lapsit time during the school year that my son has really enjoyed. It is a nice community of moms & kids with a teacher who really cares about them. During the summer, I'm still taking my son to the library, but now we visit the Grandparent Readers.
Mr. Don and Mr. Chris have each been reading to children at our library for almost 20 years. They have such a heart for the kids and are so patient with them too. They greet us with enthusiasm each time we come. Even though my son regularly throws the alphabet puzzle pieces on the floor, talks and interrupts the story, and prances the toy animals all over the place. Mr. Don and Mr. Chris just chuckle and continue to have so much grace for him. I really appreciate them and the influence they are having on my son's interest in books and reading.
Our neighborhood library is a good one. They run an infant/toddler lapsit time during the school year that my son has really enjoyed. It is a nice community of moms & kids with a teacher who really cares about them. During the summer, I'm still taking my son to the library, but now we visit the Grandparent Readers.
Mr. Don and Mr. Chris have each been reading to children at our library for almost 20 years. They have such a heart for the kids and are so patient with them too. They greet us with enthusiasm each time we come. Even though my son regularly throws the alphabet puzzle pieces on the floor, talks and interrupts the story, and prances the toy animals all over the place. Mr. Don and Mr. Chris just chuckle and continue to have so much grace for him. I really appreciate them and the influence they are having on my son's interest in books and reading.