Zowie! Zucchini!

As you may remember, this mama was very proud of undertaking a vegetable garden for the first time this year. A couple of months ago, I was anxiously breaking up the soil and buying plants, worried that nothing would grow in my yard.

Here's a picture of that same plot of land this morning:

Apparently I had nothing to be worried about. Now I am feeling quite the opposite: completely overwhelmed by how large everything has grown! In retrospect I realize that I totally overplanted, especially my zucchini and squash which are taking over the garden. My eggplant, basil and marigolds (planted to keep away bugs) are crowded out, and not getting much sun. My tomato plants are hanging in there so far.

SO...my question for anyone who reads this blog is, what do YOU do with zucchini? Many people have said that they make zucchini bread, anyone have a good recipe you can send me? Fortunately our whole family likes zucchini, but steamed with butter and salt could get old night after night. I think it can be used in some casserole dishes, or breaded, I just need some ideas! Thanks! And if you need any zucchini or squash this summer, you know where to find some!


Christa Wiens said…
Love the title of this post! Grilled zucchini is my favorite. Feel free to pass on the bounty to us :)
KDC said…
Your garden looks great. Looks like you have developed your green thumb nicely. allrecipes.com is my favorite site for recipes. You can do an ingredient search to find recipes that use the ingredient you have, then sort by rating and try the ones with the highest ratings.
Unknown said…
i can NEVER make anything grow. what a great job! you can always stir fry it with chicken, grate it into your spaghetti sauce, or get a pet and feed it to him. haha =D
Jamie said…
Oh you reminded me to bring you our calabacitas recipe!!!
Christa Wiens said…
Look at this: http://katiewiebe.blogspot.com/2009/06/local-food-zucchini.html
Tracy said…
Shred it with a cheese grater and freeze in ziploc bags. Then you can make zucchini bread anytime. Or throw it in spaghetti sauce or omelets or meatloaf or curry or...
mel said…
hi, zucchini goes wonderfully when stir-fried with chicken or flank steak. splash from garlic salt, soy sauce, sugar and it makes a quick yummy dish. remember to cut zucchini into bite-size pieces as it's harder to cook through when bigger. in fact i'm cooking it at this moment I write this...

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