Spring Break Part III: Lacy Park

On Monday morning we prepared to go for a picnic and playtime in the park.  Just myself, my sis-in-law, and our 7 kids.  Phew!  Truthfully my sis-in-law did most of the work, planning and preparing the food.  My daughter was having a hard time fitting in with all the boys playing, so she hung around the kitchen to help out.  She got to use the very fun dolphin sandwich cutters to cut out the sandwiches (eliminating the crust ,what a bonus!).

After our baby was awake from her morning nap, we were off.  Lacy Park is a great park, lots of open grass areas, play structures, swings and lots of places for nursing moms to sit!

The two oldest boys spent most of their time in their "secret hideout" which was located in the hedges outlining the play area.  They were searching for roly-poly bugs.

The younger kids all had a blast climbing on all of the equipment and swinging.  After we ate lunch, and the baby was full too, I put her into the Ergo carrier and held her there for almost 2 hours!  She took a little nap and amazingly, my back & shoulders never wore out either.  We were both very sweaty by the end, though!  All the kids seemed to have a fun time, and I think all the cousins bonded and got more comfortable with each other too.

Afterwards, we went to Cold Stone and got some ice cream together.  Mmm!

Thanks A-Mm, for helping us have a fun day out.
Thanks also, for the great pictures you took!  I take absolutely no credit for any of these photos.  I was too maxxed out on taking care of my kids to mess with a camera.

My girl loves to swing!
Mama loves to swing too!

Sho-Di didn't let any opportunity pass to keep up with the older kids

Check out our cool bug habitat

Race ya!
All her "big brothers" were so interested in their Sho-Be

Thank Heaven for an easy baby...


Jamie said…
Wow! What great pictures! And what a great day with cousins!!! So fun!

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