A Cool Kid, The Zoo & A Garden
I had a hard time thinking of what to title this entry, because we've been up to a bunch of different things. Birthday parties, a Palm Sunday performance, and lots of playing and working outdoors since the weather has been beautiful!
We went to the zoo with a couple of friends last week. J is definitely 2 years old and a boy! He was interested in the animals for a few minutes and then he was off and running. (He did work up the courage, though, to touch the goats this time!) He is just at the stage where I still need a stroller for him, but he rarely stays in it. It was a fun day to get out and be with friends.
And we're also embarking on several small yard projects. Well, to most people they are probably small, but for our family they are significant. My hubby spent all of last Saturday in the yard pulling out asparagus fern that was very deeply rooted in a planter box. Now that it's gone, I get to decide how to re-fill it! Another flowerbed got emptied out and I've planted some new vines & perennials there. We've also decided to start a vegetable garden in our backyard. This is our first attempt at growing our own veggies, and I was quite discouraged when I went out to start digging up soil, and found that the ground was SO hard, I couldn't even get my shovel down past an inch. Aiiiiyah. We'll be working on that this week.
We are grateful and excited that spring is here, and that we have energy and good health to enjoy it with our family and friends.